This template has errors in IE /, I sent the images, is it possible that this fix? otherwise it is a problem.
5 answers
Hi pferrol
Please go to, submit a ticket, send us your live url so that we have a closer look on the issue.
Is in the localhost
Hi pferrol
You should try to upload files to a server and send us your information.
Hi pferrol
You should try to upload files to a server and send us your information.
No, I will not go up that is the same as the original template, I have not changed anything for which there is nothing new in your template.
You can see it in the orignal.
I do not that there is an error on your site.
I need a quick answer that can not be fixed if I can not use the template and I have to communicate to my client to seek another alternative.
Hi pferrol
I am checking your issue on window vista, IE7 and could not find this issue.
Could you please let me know your system, browser which you saw this issue?
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