
have same issue but with fresh installation of mag 2.06 and it does not go past step5

  1. Profile photo of guru oneguru one 20.00 $tone May 23, 2016
    i have solved it , it was migrating properly on local server but not on live server, to clarify it was stuck on step 5 on live server...while on local server it worked perfectly.

2 answers

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone May 22, 2016

@guru one, wonder if your question refers to our UB Data Migration Lite version or UB Data Migration Pro? 
PS. As mentioned in this blog post,, our free version (UB Data Migration Lite) enables the migration through the first 5 steps (from Database settings to Migrate Product step). The other steps from #6 -- Migrate Customers are available for UB Data Migration Pro version only.

Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone May 23, 2016

@guru one, glad that you figured it out at your end. 
It seems you’re using our old free version via github. These old releases were provided on as-is basis and no longer maintained. We have decided to create a Premium version, as this way we will have more opportunity and resources to revamp the whole code base and add more features, while providing active bug fixes maintenance.


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