I am getting a 404 when trying to access the tool through the admin area.
My host does not allow me permissions to restart nginx, though i did update my nginx.conf in my site root to
server {
listen 80;
server_name shop.mysite.com;
set $MAGE_ROOT /var/www/html/magento2;
include /chroot/home/afa39934/shop.mysite.com/nginx.conf;
include /chroot/home/afa39934/shop.mysite.com/pub/ub-tool/nginx.conf;
then in /pub/ub-tool/nginx.conf i updated one of the lines to
fastcgi_pass fastcgi_backend
Does that look correct? If so do i need to ask my host support to reload nginx?
Also is there a way to complete Pre-migration Setting (8) steps through the CLI or by updating some configuration file?
1 answer
Hi there,
Also is there a way to complete Pre-migration Setting (8) steps through the CLI or by updating some configuration file?
You need to complete all needed settings via GUI back-end of our migration tool.
Does that look correct? If so do i need to ask my host support to reload nginx?
You should contact your hosting provider to get more help to control the Nginx configuration of your M2 instance. And then, implement extra Nginx server settings as per our Readme manual that comes packed with your download package.