Unable to proceed with data migration

Magento 1.8 > Fresh installation of Magento 2.1.2
I am unable to proceed to the next step after saving database details and below is the error message and there are #17 stack trace. 
The table “{{core_store_group}}” for active record class “Mage1StoreGroup” cannot be found in the database.


3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 21, 2017

Hi Rox Ree,
It seem your Magento 1’s database has a prefix but you have not declared such prefix in step #1 of our tool.
You can verify your database settings in the config file at: pub/ub-tool/config/config.php
Meanwhile, at present our Lite version is compatible with Magento 2.0.7 only. If you wish to make a test migration again, please proceed with Magento 2.0.7.


Profile photo of Rox Ree 190.00 $tone March 29, 2017

Hi I tried with 2.0.7 and may I know what is this error regarding
{ 2395 foreach($table->primaryKey as $name) 2396 { 2397 if(isset($table->columns[$name]))
The table “{{eav_attribute_set}}” for active record class “Mage1AttributeSet” cannot be found in the database.


2374     /**
2375      * Constructor.
2376      * @param CActiveRecord $model the model instance
2377      * @throws CDbException if specified table for active record class cannot be found in the database
2378      */
2379     public function __construct($model)
2380     {
2381         $this->_modelClassName=get_class($model);
2383         $tableName=$model->tableName();
2384         if(($table=$model->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTable($tableName))===null)
2385             throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','The table "{table}" for active record class "{class}" cannot be found in the database.',
2386                 array('{class}'=>$this->_modelClassName,'{table}'=>$tableName)));
2388         if(($modelPk=$model->primaryKey())!==null || $table->primaryKey===null)
2389         {
2390             $table->primaryKey=$modelPk;
2391             if(is_string($table->primaryKey) && isset($table->columns[$table->primaryKey]))
2392                 $table->columns[$table->primaryKey]->isPrimaryKey=true;
2393             elseif(is_array($table->primaryKey))
2394             {
2395                 foreach($table->primaryKey as $name)
2396                 {
2397                     if(isset($table->columns[$name]))
Profile photo of Admin Staff -30640.00 $tone March 29, 2017

Hi Rox,
The issue you mentioned might associate with either missing prefix as Mall explained before, or non-standard portion in your Magento 1 data.
Some of our users also faced unexpected issues due to bad M1 data when using our Pro version, however we got these resolved successfully on case by case basis (Bad data refers to the custom data added manually that are not validated (in both M1 & M2); or M1 data that is not valid in accordance with M2 rules).
As our Pro version code base was completely revamped, with advanced features, please consider to move forward with this version, it will save you much time.
Due to our limited resource, the Lite still uses old code base, and has not been updated with the latest bug fixes or improvements.
PS. We also have 7 Day Money Back guarantee, so you’re safe to have full money returned in case you still fail to complete migration using our tool.  
An Nguyen


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