browser resize

I have an issue where the menu items disappear if the desktop browser is resized to mobile sizes. It working fine on particular device but when you resize the window from desktop to mobile or table then menu items disappear.
Please provide the best solution asap.

  1. Profile photo of Samantha FongSamantha Fong 130.00 $tone May 18, 2023
    i have the same issue, is there a fix at all?
  2. Profile photo of Alex BrownAlex Brown 0.00 $tone October 5, 2023
    Same issue. Really poor quality extension, unfortunatelyVideo here - of their own demo!

1 answer

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone April 7, 2023

Hi There,

I have an issue where the menu items disappear if the desktop browser is resized to mobile sizes. It working fine on particular device but when you resize the window from desktop to mobile or table then menu items disappear.

Please note that our UB MegaMenu needs to process at the server side to control UI and related functions on the client side, thus you must refresh the Browser > Toggle devices tool after switching devices.
Also, our module only supports UI and related functions on specific devices (mobile, tablet, desktop…). It doesn’t support responsive UI on all viewports as you were testing.

Best Regards,


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