I think there is a bug with the UB Quick View extension.
I downloaded and installed the UB Bookshop theme (for Magento 2), with the UB Quick View, UB Mega Menu, and UB Content Slider extensions.
The products prices display incorrectly, after doing the following:
- Click on the Quick View button for a bundle product.
- Click the “X” on the pop-up box’s top-right corner.
- Click on the Quick View button for another product.
- Click the “X” on the pop-up box’s top-right corner.
After that, all of the products’ prices are listed incorrectly. It appears that the bundle product’s price (or percentage of it’s price) is added every other product’s price.
If you do the above, with two “Simple” products, the bug does not happen. It only happens after a bundle product.
4 answers
Hi Brandon,
I did check again with bundle product at our end (via this link
http://magento2.demo.ubertheme.com/gear.html) but could not reproduce the issue you mentioned. You can check the bundle product named Sprite Yoga Companion Kit
to see for yourself.
Could you please provide specific url that has the issue on your site? I will check further.
Hi Mall,
I’m using XAMPP on my company’s computer, so no one outside the network can see it.
However, this error occurs with the Bookshop ZIP file, that included a copy of Magento 2 (not just the extensions) and sample data. After I installed it, I didn’t edit anything. I’ve sent An the ZIP file and images that show the price change. Maybe it was an issue with the Beta release? Has there been any updates to any of the extensions since November/December?
Hi Brandon,
I’ve just sent a reply to you via email.
Meanwhile, did you have chance to take a look directly on our demo?
Here is the Quickview function in our UB Bookshop theme with UB Quick View: http://bookshop.magento2.demo.ubertheme.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=bundle
And here is the category page with bundle product: http://bookshop.magento2.demo.ubertheme.com/books.html
An Nguyen