so many spam at my JA Mesolite..
how to solve remove spam.. ???
is captcha or something can do ?
Anyone can help me how to add captcha ?
5 answers
There is a nice plugin called JoomlaEZ’s reCAPTCHA Integrator that help you add recaptcha to your contact form and registration form in joomla. Follow the steps bellow to integrate reCAPTCHA in your Joomla :
Download and install the plugin
Login to your Joomla administration panel and navigate to Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> System -- JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator then configure JEZ reCAPTCHA Integrator plugin as following:
Enabled: Yes
reCAPTCHA Public Key: your public key
reCAPTCHA Private Key: your private key
Inclusion Syntax: No
Auto-verify: Yes
a- Integrate reCAPTCHA at your joomla contact form :
First, go to your Joomla root directory and open to edit the file called default_form.php located at : components/com_contact/views/contact/tmpl/default_form.php
Now paste the code bellow in the line 64 as discribed in the screenshot bellow.
<?php global $mainframe;$mainframe->triggerEvent(‘onCaptchaDisplay’);?>
Then save and close. Now open your joomla website and go to contact-us you will find reCAPTCHA there.
b- add recaptcha anti spam protection in registration form:
First, look at your template directory joomla-directory/templates/your-default-template/html to see if it override the com_user’s HTML output.
If you see the file com_user/registration/default.php inside above directory then please open that file with a text editor. Otherwise, open the file joomla-directory/components/com_user/views/register/tmpl/default.php.
In the text editor window / view port, look for something similar to:
Look for this line :
<strong><button type="submit"><?php echo JText::_(‘Register’); ?></button></strong>
Now Right before the line of code above, add following block of code:
global $mainframe;
and is done!
why my 1.52 can’t install this package ??? "Unable to find install package "
why my 1.52 can’t install this package ??? "Unable to find install package "
So you downloaded the zip file from the link provided, tried to install from your Extension Manager and got that error message?
Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid
what is mean ??
Input error: k: Format of site key was invalid
what is mean ??
To be honest, I am not completely certain -- I haven’t seen that error.
You might want to submit a technical request to the JoomlaEX Help Desk
If that doesn’t work, there are other similar extensions available, as well, within the Joomla Extension Directory