I install a quickstart o techzone and use the market skin.
I set the color for swatches but in the layer navigation i cant see the image of colors.
Maybe its a problem of the image url.
Or i make something wrong.
Can you please help me
16 answers
Hi Alex,
Please go to the admin -> Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes -> Color -> Manage Label / Options -> and please upload the image color you have.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
I already upload the image color but it returns the same.
Here is how i set the configurable product
And here is the simple
Is there something wrong?
Hi Alex,
Please try to see again. My instructions are:
Please go to the admin -> Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage Attributes -> Color -> Manage Label / Options -> and please upload the image color you have.
Not like your images.
Best Regards,
Hello Ziven,
I never find a solution there.
I still have the same problem
if you see with inspect element
the image url loads the site again.
This is the backened from color attribute
Thanks in advance,
Hi Alex,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site.
Best Regards,
Hi There,
I tried to change to PHP and see it did not work and show the file I changed. Please tell me why and disable the cache via server if have. Please let me know more details.
Best Regards,
“I tried to change to PHP and see it did not work and show the file I changed. “
I dont understand exactly you try to rename (from phtml to php) a file but it did not renamed.
Yes there is server cache. I just contact with service administrator and they told me that they will exclude the domain from caching during the day.
Best Regards
Hi Alex,
Please ask hosting provider and turn off the cache. I can’t help you if have the cache on the server. Because everything I changed or update now not apply.
Best Regards,
They inform me that server cache is already disabled.
Hi Alex,
It still enables. I’m tried to die the index but it not working.
Please re-check and disable it.
Best Regards,
Hi ziven,
The host has no cache.
Yesterday i work on it, i made many css changes without the need to delete any cache.
Please let me know which file you tried to modify, and the changes not applied because of cache.
Or if it is possible give some instructions about the problem.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Alex,
Are you tried to change something with the php file?
I changed PHP file but it not working. Please re-check and let me know again.
Best Regards,
I tried to edit at 16/12 the file below
/app/code/local/Ubertheme/UbShopby/Helper/Data.php to the function below but i left as it was.
public function getAttributeOptionImage($optionId)
$images = $this->getAttributeOptionImages();
$image = array_key_exists($optionId, $images) ? $images[$optionId] : ”;
$image = Mage::getBaseUrl(Mage_Core_Model_Store::URL_TYPE_MEDIA).$image;
if ($image && (strpos($image, ‘http’) !== 0)) {
$image = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl($image);
return $image;
Hello again
i comment out the if statment like the example below and the images are ok
public function getAttributeOptionImage($optionId)
$images = $this->getAttributeOptionImages();
$image = array_key_exists($optionId, $images) ? $images[$optionId] : ”;
$image = $image;
if ($image && (strpos($image, ‘http’) !== 0)) {
$image = Mage::getDesign()->getSkinUrl($image);
return $image;
Because i am not magento developer can you please infor me if with this is ok or not
Hi There,
I think you sent me the FTP not right you can see the screenshot. http://prntscr.com/dlkwaf I’m did not see the folder UberTheme in here.
Please check it and send me again.
Best Regards,