data migration from M1 to M2 with extension

I have to migrate products and customers from CE Magento website to CE Magento 2.2.6, unfortunately the Magento 1 application contains several third-parts extensions, many core Magento tables have been modified with additional fields, I have tried with data migration tool of Magento but it fails because there are a lot of tables and fields that are not mapped and it does not recognize them, I already know  that your tool does not migrate third-parts extension tables but I would ask you if your UB Data Migration Pro can have problems with core Magento tables that have additional fields or it can manage these anomalies in the data model.

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone September 26, 2018

Hi Agostino De Bellis, 
Thanks for contacting us. 

if your UB Data Migration Pro can have problems with core Magento tables that have additional fields or it can manage these anomalies in the data model.

At present, our migration tool supports core and custom attributes for Product. For customers, we support core system attributes only, the custom fields for sales data is not handled yet. This is partially because such custom fields do not exist in default Magento 2. Further, for those are added manually or via third-party extensions, it would be best to leave such custom fields handled by the associated extensions, instead of separately migrating those. 
Hope that helps. 
Ubertheme team


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