I ran the migration from the command line. There were a total of 5000 products it has imported 4900 products successfully. I can those products into the admin section. But after that importer gave error and halt the import process. You can check the error https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ZBLaPPDBoc_mD3xhg2ugyuPn4UqxwG8/view?usp=sharing.
Also, products are not set as an associated product in case of group products. My Magento version is 2.3.1 and current module version is 3.1.0
Please assist in this regard.
Ashit Kumar
Hi Team,We have renewed our license as you suggested but the same issue still there. I installed the new module and ran the import using the terminal in fresh magento. Store, attribute and categories imported successfully but importer stopped while importing products outputting an error on the terminal. Here is that error message......................................................................................Status: failMessage: Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).Please check and provide the solution for this issue ASAP.Thanks
9 answers
Hi Ashit Kumar,
We’ve just replied to you via email, kindly check and follow up further with us there.
Ubertheme team
Hi Ashit Kumar,
We supposed that you’ve already upgraded to the latest Pro ver 3.1.9.
Regarding the issue:
Status: fail
Message: Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).
This refers to the bad data circumstance. In order to fix this, please open the PHP the php file at: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step5Controller.php and find this code section:
//uncomment below code lines to using for bad data cases only
/*if (strlen(trim($model2->value)) > 255) {
$model2->value = substr(trim($model2->value), 0, 255);
Replace it with:
//uncomment below code lines to using for bad data cases only
if (strlen(trim($model2->value)) > 255) {
$model2->value = substr(trim($model2->value), 0, 255);
Then you can continue as normal.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
You just need to continue Step 5 using this CLI:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run —step=5
Hope that helps.
Ubertheme team
Hi there,
Message: Mage2CatalogProductEntityVarchar: Value is too long (maximum is 255 characters).
If you did the tweak code as my suggesting in reply #3 but the issue still persists. That is strange.
Lets provide me information about your instance:
+ URL and admin credentials of back-end of your site.
+ SSH credentials and path to M2 folder
I will help to check further and help you out.
If you see my reply carefully in step #3. I have mentioned that what you suggested to replace was not found in the mentioned file. That’s why I wrote to you to let me know the line number where I have to replace the code.
In the next reply #4, you wrote that you have to run the command only like that “php -f bin/ubdatamigration run —step=5”. So I thought there is no change is required in any file. And I ran the command again and it failed after some time.
You suggested uncommenting the following line pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step5Controller.php
//uncomment below code lines to using for bad data cases only
/*if (strlen(trim($model2->value)) > 255) {
$model2->value = substr(trim($model2->value), 0, 255);
But there is no such line code in the given file. Please check and reply properly.
This project is on my local machine and I am doing migration local to local. So requesting you provide assistance via accessing my machine remotely using Teamviewer.
Ashit Kumar
Hi Ashit Kumar,
If you see my reply carefully in step #3. I have mentioned that what you suggested to replace was not found in the mentioned file.
So, please follow steps below:
+ Open the PHP file at: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step5Controller.php
and find the code lines:
if ($attribute1->attribute_code == 'url_path' && preg_match("/.html/i", $model2->value)) {
$model2->value = str_replace('.html', '', $model2->value);
and replace it with:
if ($attribute1->attribute_code == 'url_path' && preg_match("/.html/i", $model2->value)) {
$model2->value = str_replace('.html', '', $model2->value);
if (strlen(trim($model2->value)) > 255) {
$model2->value = substr(trim($model2->value), 0, 255);
+ Once done, continue with the data migration in the step #5 by running the CLI command:
php -f bin/ubdatamigration run --step=5;