from admin not able to save change in product weig

I recently have done Migration from Magent 1.9 to Magento 2.2.6. After Migration on Magento 2.2.6, when I go to admin->catlog->product -> open any product and change weight or other attributes. And save it but it actually not saving.
Now when I added new product and then on these new product if I change weight and click save, new value is getting saved.
Why it is not allowing me to save change on products that are migrated from magento 1.9

  1. Profile photo of sunny patelsunny patel 110.00 $tone February 21, 2019
    Also, we are just checking in UPS shipping it is not passing product weight. It is taking minimum weight set in UPS. We found this in shipping.log. And because of this shipping rate are wrong.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone February 21, 2019

Hi there,

Why it is not allowing me to save change on products that are migrated from magento 1.9

Please re-check, it seem you are missing some required information in some fields in form and you couldn’t submit the product form to save information. 
In case you need further assistance, lets provide me information about your instance:
+ Admin credentials and URL to back-end
+ SSH credentials and path to M2 folder
+ Product’s SKU which has issue you mentioned
I will help to check further and get back you then.


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