getting an error during run of program

when I try to run the program in the back end I get the following page
The table “{{ub_migrate_step}}” for active record class “UBMigrate” cannot be found in the database.


2379     /**
2380      * Constructor.
2381      * @param CActiveRecord $model the model instance
2382      * @throws CDbException if specified table for active record class cannot be found in the database
2383      */
2384     public function __construct($model)
2385     {
2386         $this->_modelClassName=get_class($model);
2388         $tableName=$model->tableName();
2389         if(($table=$model->getDbConnection()->getSchema()->getTable($tableName))===null)
2390             throw new CDbException(Yii::t('yii','The table "{table}" for active record class "{class}" cannot be found in the database.',
2391                 array('{class}'=>$this->_modelClassName,'{table}'=>$tableName)));
2393         if(($modelPk=$model->primaryKey())!==null || $table->primaryKey===null)
2394         {
2395             $table->primaryKey=$modelPk;
2396             if(is_string($table->primaryKey) && isset($table->columns[$table->primaryKey]))
2397                 $table->columns[$table->primaryKey]->isPrimaryKey=true;
2398             elseif(is_array($table->primaryKey))
2399             {
2400                 foreach($table->primaryKey as $name)
2401                 {
2402                     if(isset($table->columns[$name]))

Stack Trace


  /var/www/vhosts/ CActiveRecordMetaData->__construct(UBMigrate)


  /var/www/vhosts/ CActiveRecord->getMetaData()


  /var/www/vhosts/ CActiveRecord->getTableSchema()


  /var/www/vhosts/ CActiveRecord->count(“status != 1 AND id NOT IN (1)”)

178                 $condition .= " AND id NOT IN ({$excludedIds})";
179             else
180                 $condition = " id NOT IN ({$excludedIds})";
181         }
182         //get total steps by statuses
183         $totalSteps = self::model()->count($condition);
185         if (is_array($statuses)) {
186             $statuses = implode(',', $statuses);
187             $condition = "status IN ({$statuses})";
188         } else {


  /var/www/vhosts/ UBMigrate::getPercentByStatus(5, “1”)

62     /**
63      * Displays the index page
64      */
65     public function actionIndex()
66     {
67         $percentFinished = UBMigrate::getPercentByStatus(UBMigrate::STATUS_FINISHED, [1]);
68         if ($percentFinished) {
69             $this->redirect(UBMigrate::getStartUrl());
70         } else {
71             $this->redirect(UBMigrate::getSettingUrl());
72         }


  /var/www/vhosts/ BaseController->actionIndex()


  /var/www/vhosts/ CInlineAction->runWithParams(array(“token” => “c151bca266cc67ea0fba11f97b903721”))


  /var/www/vhosts/ CController->runAction(CInlineAction)


  /var/www/vhosts/ CController->runActionWithFilters(CInlineAction, array())


  /var/www/vhosts/ CController->run(“”)


  /var/www/vhosts/ CWebApplication->runController(“”)


  /var/www/vhosts/ CWebApplication->processRequest()


  /var/www/vhosts/ CApplication->run()

08 // change the following paths if necessary
09 $yii=dirname(__FILE__).'/yii-1.1.19/yii.php';
10 $config=dirname(__FILE__).'/protected/config/main.php';
12 require_once($yii);
13 Yii::createWebApplication($config)->run();

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