I have done this before with other magento installs but cant see to work it out this time. I am using (have things changed in this version for this?) . Culd you please point me in the right direction for the fils i need to edited to change the logo position and size -- i simply want to move it to the left a little and creat some more depth space for it.
3 answers
Go to this File: skin/frontend/default/jm_adamite/css/theme.css
Find the below code and change the margin as you wish.
h1#logo { margin: 0 auto; }
For Example try like this :
reduce or increase the 200px, which is like a margin-left option
h1#logo { margin: 0 0 0 200px; }
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The output of my previous post would be like tha attached image.
Please look into it.
If you need more left reduce the 200px one by one and check the output.
Clear cache once you do any change in the css.
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thansk , i got it to move with that , i still need to play around a bit to get it right but Ill work it out . Thansk for the super fast reply!
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