How to choose the product in block "mage1"

Hello, this block is displayed in MEGA MENU.
Attachment 29226
But how do i choose the product i want to display?

from the code i can see:
{{block type="joomlart_jmproducts/list" name="home.jmproducts.list" template="joomlart/jmproducts/oneproduct.phtml" quanlity="1" title="" catid="53" max="0" }}


2 answers

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone August 6, 2013

Hi mate,

You can create a special category, assigning the product you want to display for this cat and then set to show this catid in block tag as mentioned, I meant you create a category contains only one product and then set to show products from this cat at the jm product tag (at the attribute of catid).
I hope you get it.


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