After I installed / enabled the extensions, I had this error:
“Setup version for module ‘Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration’ is not specified”
I had installed 2 times fresh magento 2.2.4 for this, but still got this error
3 answers
Hi there,
After I installed / enabled the extensions, I had this error:
“Setup version for module ‘Ubertheme_Ubdatamigration’ is not specified”
It seem you got issue with folders/files permission. Let’s open your SSH terminal, go to magento2 folder and try run below commands:
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +;
And tell me know how it goes then.
great, it works for this now
Hi Zeno Yu,
Glad that it helps.
Please move forward with the migration, and make sure you follow strictly our Readme.html instruction that comes packed with your download package.
In case you have any additional question, please submit a new ticket, we will help you out.
Ubertheme team