Hello Ubertheme,
I used your tool UB Data Migration Pro. I migrated my Magento 1.9 site to Magento 2.2.5 installation.
Upon migration process. I’m stuck again at “Step: 7 Sales Order”, It throws an error saying “Mage2SalesInvoiceAggregatedOrder: Order Status cannot be blank.”
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
Looking forward to hear your response.
Thank you!
1 answer
Hi there,
Upon migration process. I’m stuck again at “Step: 7 Sales Order”, It throws an error saying “Mage2SalesInvoiceAggregatedOrder: Order Status cannot be blank.”
That issue was because your M1 database has some records which have bad data in the value of the ‘order_status’ field in table ‘sales_invoiced_aggregated_order’.
You could run the following SQL in your M1 database to list all records that have such issue at your end:
Select * from sales_invoiced_aggregated_order Where order_status IS NULL Or order_status = '';
And since the value of ‘order_status’ field is required in M2, you need to re-update the value for that field in those records which are missing in M1 database at your end.
For your information, you can delete any record that are not needed.
Once done, you could continue with data migration in step #7 of our tool.