How to install the summer template, without disturbing the existing template on my website?

Hello I would like to revamp the existing design layout for an existing website. How ever when I install the new theme summer, I would like to maintain the existing theme for the website to still be normally functional, My intention is to make new pages with summer theme, and only then bring down the old existing website/pages. Would this be possible? If so please instruct me on how it can be done. 

5 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone November 6, 2014

Hi Ashok,
Yes. You can do it.
You only copy theme and install it to folder.
Step 1: copy mockup from package to “app\design\frontend\default\”
Step 2: copy skin from package to “skin\frontend\default\”
Step 3: change it on admin. System-> Configuration -> Design -> Theme-> Default and input name theme you want use.
Please let me know if you can’t do it.
We are have services for it.
Hear good news from you.
Best regards.

Profile photo of ashok.anirudh -10.00 $tone November 6, 2014

Yes I am Facing some issues, I do as necessary but I don’t see jm_summer as a theme option to choose from. When I log on the admin panel, I don’t find in the design/theme options to choose from. I see only the OLD theme files. 
Do you know why I may be facing this issue?  Can you help me? 

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone November 7, 2014

Hi Ashok,
Please PM me your site’s url, admin and ftp credentials, I’ll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
Best regards,


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