How to migrate Magento 1 configurable products

Hello, we have a Magento 1.9 store, which we are trying to migrate to 2.3. Everything worked well, apart from configurable products, where we have a problem with associated product prices.
We have the following scenario:

  1. A configurable product was added and costs 100.
  2. The product has 2 variations, one costs 100 and the other 150. We add this as attribute data, one product has additional 50.
  3. The product price changes, now it’s 120 for configurable product and our more expensive is now 170.
  4. IMPORTANT: Because Magento 1 doesn’t care about simple product price, we don’t update the one that cost 100. So we now have a configurable product for 120 and two simple products for 100 -- where one has an attribute additional price of 70.

This was all fine for Magento. After using the default Magento migration tool to migrate to version 2.3, we’re now having the following result:

  1. Configurable product is 120.
  2. The first associated product is 100.
  3. The second associated product is 170.
  4. On the website, the two options are now showing as 100 and 170.

We’re really struggling to solve this problem. Essentially in the migration process, we want to update the price of all associated products without an attribute to the configurable product price.
Is this possible with your UB Data Migration (pro or lite) extension?
Everything else is working fine and ideally we don’t want to migrate all data again, just product prices.
Thanks! Karl

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone September 9, 2020

Hi Karl,

Thanks for reaching out to us. 
We’d like to answer your questions below. 

Configurable product is 120.
The first associated product is 100.
The second associated product is 170.
On the website, the two options are now showing as 100 and 170.

If those are migrated data in Magento 2, then it’s not correct. 
With the current workflow of our module, the result of migrated data in Magento 2 should be:  

Configurable product is NULL. -> There is no price setting for Configurable product in M2.
The first associated product is 120.
The second associated product is 170.
On the website, the two options are now showing as 120 and 170.

Regarding this question: 

Everything else is working fine and ideally we don’t want to migrate all data again, just product prices.

If you move forward with migration using our module on your current M2 instance, you need to run the data migration from the ground up. 

Ubertheme team


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