I already started the migration now is there any way to stop or pause the migration during the migration process.
Or how can I forcefully stop the migration?
The reason I am asking is my magento 1 site database and magento 2 database is on the same RDS server and the load is high so my existing magento 1 site dropping the performance.
2 answers
Hi Argha,
If you are in GUI mode, you can close the browser tab that is opening our module. When you re-open our module again, you can continue at the last off/pause time.
If you are in the Terminal (CLI mode), you can press ‘Ctrl + C’ keys to terninate current process. And then, you can still continue with the CLI command for each step any time.
Ubertheme team
Hi Argha,
We’ve just updated our first reply #1 above for more details, kindly check. If you have any other concerns, feel free to let us know here.
Ubertheme team