I was added a image into CMS block position (static-top 1 -- scraft theme), but it does not show on frontend.
Logo and favicon are too. Link: http://kalpa.vn
Please support to me.
13 answers
Hi Toan,
Please change the permission of the file:http://kalpa.vn/media/wysiwyg/banners/kalpa.jpg to 644 and the file will working fine. Because permission in the hosting. That why the images not show up.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
Thank for your support. Banner is ok. But logo an favicon not show.
And, my database size (MySQL) had up to 800Mb (catalog_product_index_group_price (404.8 MiB) , catalog_product_index_price_tmp (359.3 MiB)) while I haven’t change them.
Yesterday, when I had install quickstart, my database was 0Mb.
Hi Toan,
1: Logo,
-> Please let me know the FTP and admin account i will help you change.
2: Favicon,
-> Please check this image: http://kalpa.vn/media/favicon/default/favicon.png IT’s not found. Please check and upload to this folder.
3: Yesterday, when I had install quickstart, my database was 0Mb.
-> Yes when you install the quickstart the database will take the sql from us. IF you want install with the your database you need manual install like this doc. https://www.ubertheme.com/docs/crafts/
Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Hi Toan,
Thanks for the info you sent. But the admin access not working. Please help me re-check and let me know again.
About the skip the SQL from the ubertheme. You only need delete the folder “sql” in the root site. But you will not have the config extension/theme… from ubertheme. You need do yourself.
Hope you will made it lucky.
Best Regard,
Hi Toan,
#the Logo and Favicon --
>It’s working fine now.
I was change something (index, clear cache) in backend, database size up from 0Mb to 800Mb. Is it true?
-> No. The database from ubertheme only max is 4MB. Your mean database from you is: 800MB and you use it in the craft theme?
Please let me know more details. I’m Still not sure what do you want.
Best Regards,
Thank you, Ziven.
The database from ubertheme is 800Mb. This database is auto up to big size. I’m not upload my database.
You can check it in Cpanel by account admin that I sent above.
Hi Ziven,
Are you still there?
I had reinstall, but the SQL (install from quickstart of Scrafts Ubertheme) was still auto up to 800Mb.
Have you find out error yet?
Sorry about this problem.
Hi Toan,
I just check the database. I only see about 20MB why you see 800MB in quickstart database from us?
Could you show me the screenshot?
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
The database only 20Mb because I did:
Delete data or table -- Empty the table (TRUNCATE)
Hope it’s ok.
Hi Toan,
I’m tried see something and see everything working fine. Please let me know if you need help further.
Best Regards,
Hi Ziven,
Thank you very much.
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