Requested store not found – M1CE to M2CE

I’ve been trying to update my Magento store from Mag CE to Mag 2.0.7 CE and everything appeared to be going okay (the first few stages of running the tool ran without problems) until I suddenly got the error:
Requested store is not found
Now I can’t access the store at all. Can you help point me at what could be causing this issue?
Kind regards,

2 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone April 17, 2018

Hi Clive, 
Thanks for spending time working around with our migration tool. 
We wonder which version of our migration tool you’re using? We have an outdated script on Github which we no longer maintain, and a Lite version here. The Lite version is an outdated version as well, so it’s for testing purpose only. 
We’re biased when referring to our UB Data Migration Pro version, however it will save you pretty much time to move foward with this newer version. 
Ubertheme team


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