How can I skip the first steps in the Migration? I only want to migrate Customers, Sales and Reviews.
Thank you.
3 answers
Hi Marilena,
We’d like to clarify that:
- To migrate Customers, you need to migrate steps: #1, #2 and #6
- To migrate Sales data, you need to migrate steps: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, and #7.
So under your circumstance, you should proceed full migration to ensure data integrity.
Hope that helps.
Ubertheme team
I have already setup my categories, products and store info, so going through the whole Migration would it affect my existing products and categories in any way?
Thank you.
Hi Marilena,
Our migration using our tool will not affect your existing products and categories. Actually, the migrated data from M1 will be stored on separated categories.
If you migrate M1 db into your current Magento 2 instance with existing data, please select the option “Merge Default Websites” in step 2 -- Sites, Stores.
Anyway, as per our guideline in the Readme.html, we highly recommend to start migrating on a fresh Magento 2 instance to ensure the data integrity.
Ubertheme team