Image label shows incorrect

When two images are included for product, the "label" for the second image shows "label" entry for the first image. It appears that the "alt" value is correct when hovering over the thumbnails, but when the image is enlarged, the "label" entry (title) is wrong. It is also wrong when hovering over the regular size image…

Please view the page below, then hover over thumbnails images to view "alt", then enlarge the images and you will see that they both display "front view’" as "label" below the enlarged images….…how-piece.html

How to correct this?

1 answer

Profile photo of Sherlock 0.00 $tone December 31, 2013

Hi mneese_mag,

This seem to be a bug, below is a workaround to fix it.
Open the file …app\design\frontend\default\jm_magotemplate\ca talog\product\view\media.phtml, replace:

HTML Code:

  function changeImage(object,ahref)
            $('image').src = object.href;
            return false;


HTML Code:

   function changeImage(object,ahref)
            alt =  jQuery(object).find("img").attr("alt");
            $('image').src = object.href;
            return false;

Hope this helps !


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