Import Customers and Orders ONLY

We have a site that already has the correct catalog in Magento 2. We are looking to import Customers and Orders ONLY. How would we go about this? 

5 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone May 20, 2020

Hi there, 
Our extension allows to migrate either Customers or Sales, however, it still needs to migrate related data portion, depending on which data objects you need:
To migrate Customers, you need to migrate steps:

  • Step 1 (Database Settings)
  • Step 2 (Migrate Sites, Stores)
  • Step 6 (Migrate Customers)

To migrate Sales data, you need to migrate steps:

  • Step 1 (Database Settings)
  • Step 2 (Migrate Sites, Stores)
  • Step 3 (Migrate Attributes)
  • Step 4 (Migrate Categories)
  • Step 5 (Migrate Products)
  • Step 6 (Migrate Customers)
  • Step 7 (Migrate Sales)

We hope that helps.
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of coolblueweb 30.00 $tone July 2, 2020

Hi ubteam,
Our team is trying to attempt to import only customers and followed the steps above but it seems to want to force step 3 (attributes) first despite running this via command line or the GUI.
Attributes would be fine to import since it contains the customer attributes but it also is including product attributes as well and our client does not need any products imported into the catalog. Could you please assist our team in figuring out how to import ONLY customers and their respective attributes.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 3, 2020

Hi there,

Attributes would be fine to import since it contains the customer attributes but it also is including product attributes as well and our client does not need any products imported into the catalog. Could you please assist our team in figuring out how to import ONLY customers and their respective attributes.

You can uncheck the ‘custom product attributes’ setting in Step #3 of our module.
For ‘system product attributes’ that are required in our module, it needs an extra tweak code in our module to exclude migration for these attributes.


Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone July 7, 2020

Hi there,

Could your team set this up so that we are migrating ONLY customer data (attributes and groups) omitting all product-related data on step 3?

I have created a backup file at pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step3Controller.php.bak
and then added extra tweak code in the PHP file pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step3Controller.php
Now, you can update the settings and data migration in step #3 and exclude all Product attribute sets, Product attribute groups and Product attributes:
Once done, you can run the data migration in step #6 to migrate the customers as you want.


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