Now that Magento is version 1.7, how to upgrade Deco 1.6.1 to 1.7?
7 answers
Dear mneese_mag,
Currently, Deco theme and our other magento themes have not been released for Magento version 1.7 yet. We shall do it in near future, please be patient. Please follow our subscribe to our RSS feed and check our Updates.
Magento has issued a serious security patch that is included in 1.7.2…you guys have got to UPDATE these templates quickly…You are providing templates that are security challenged!
Thanks for your concern, currently we are running full capacity in upgrading our components, modules to J!2.5.
Definitely with the upgrade of older J2.5, we will come back with this pretty soon. Like on our Roadmap blog post not too long ago, we’ll have a later poll upon this.
Any news about when this template will be available for 1.7 ?
Hi hilly,
Thanks for your concern but it’s still in process, please be patient.
Thank you for updating the templates for Magento…is the update simply change the altered temp-late files, or update the Magento core, then update template files?
Do you have a roadmap for updating these templates?
Dear michael,
Basically, you need to update Magento core first and then update template files.
You can try with this reference:
This thread was missed to reply and I’m sorry for the same.