Hi, I am trying to replace background color of ja masshead module with image.
Here is a code that I add for following link: http://dekra.cloudaccess.net/sr/o-nama
HTML Code:
[Masshead Itemid="656" title="O nama" background="images/rolbaners/Rolbaner3.png"]O nama[/Masshead]
Itemid of menu: http://screencast.com/t/AeSkBgNW8WG
What else I should to in order to have image as background to ja masshead module?
I tired to apply same solutions that are applied to different templates but id didn’t work out!
2 answers
Hi artistgates,
I have overridden HTML mockup of the ja masshead module on your site. Please check the link you posted. But the text is not good, I think you should add more style for it.
Thanks a lot cssyeah for your time and support regarding this matter. This is great.
Yes no worries for styling I should be able to play around with ccs now.
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