Migrating orders and customers into M2 store

Hi there,
we have set up a new M2 store with new categories, website_id, …
Is it possible to only migrate oders and customers from M1 into the new store (M2) without merging the default website?

3 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone November 6, 2019

Hi there,

Is it possible to only migrate oders and customers from M1 into the new store (M2) without merging the default website?

In order to migrate sales orders data (step #7), you still need to migrate data in other steps: #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 of our migration tool to keep the data relationship.
You can take a look at all steps in the migration dashboard here


Profile photo of Paul Setzermann 10.00 $tone December 10, 2019

Ok. Thanks.
Is it possible to migrate all customers from a M1 store with two websites to a M2 store with only one website?
So merge the customers from two M1 websites into one M2 website?
And if I only want to migrate the customers I don’t need to do all the other steps (#2-#6), right?

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone December 10, 2019

Hi Paul, 
We’d like to follow up further below: 

So merge the customers from two M1 websites into one M2 website?

You can proceed with migrating all M1 customers to M2 following standard steps of our migration tool. After migration, you can configure to enable Account Sharing Options via Magento 2 admin, like this screenshot: https://prnt.sc/p4lpqz. Then all customers should be able to log in normally.  

And if I only want to migrate the customers I don’t need to do all the other steps (#2-#6), right?

We’re afraid this is not possible. In order to migrate only customers, the following steps are required: 

  • Step 1 (Database Settings)
  • Step 2 (Migrate Sites, Stores)
  • Step 6 (Migrate Customers)

Hope that helps. 
Ubertheme team


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