Missing search, categories and background

Hi all,

I’ve been having some difficulties with the template since the last weeks, but it seems it’s all coming together nicely.

However, it seems that something bad happened and these 2 problems happened:

1. Search box dissapeared from home page (still there in categories or products pages).

2. All categories in top menu don’t appear anymore when you hover them.

3. Background is not showing up great under IE (seems fine in Firefox…).

The website is http://www.rev9autosport.com/tetra

Only things I modified since those problems happened are:

-404 page
-About us

I hope someone can help me sort this out.



3 answers

Profile photo of Maxime Lacroix 0.00 $tone November 1, 2009

Okay, seems like problem #2 and #3 are related to my home computer as my work computer makes them appear nicely.

Please let me know guys if you know what makes the search box dissappear.



Profile photo of Maxime Lacroix 0.00 $tone December 9, 2009

1. Search box dissapeared from home page (still there in categories or products pages).

I was wondering if anyone could help me, a ticked has been opened but never got news.

Profile photo of JA Developer 0.00 $tone December 14, 2009

Hi invert

For the issue: Search box dissapeared from home page (still there in categories or products pages).
=> it is default of our template. If you want to display, please open app\design\frontend\default\jm_leadtemplate\page\ 3columns.phtml file, find following code section:


<!-- PATHWAY -->
<?php if($this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs')): ?>
<div id="ja-pathwaywrap" class="wrap">
	<div class="main  clearfix">
		<!-- breadcrums -->
		<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs') ?>
		<!-- // breadcrums -->
		<div id="ja-searchwrap">
			<div id="ja-search">
				<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topSearch') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<!-- PATHWAY -->

and change to:


<!-- PATHWAY -->

<div id="ja-pathwaywrap" class="wrap">
	<div class="main  clearfix">
		<!-- breadcrums -->
		<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('breadcrumbs') ?>
		<!-- // breadcrums -->
		<div id="ja-searchwrap">
			<div id="ja-search">
				<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('topSearch') ?>

<!-- PATHWAY -->

This question is now closed

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