Mobile Detect class

Hi, I have a question regarding the use of the npm library mobile-detect in your UB Mega Menu plugin.
As the use this library is regarded as highly deprecated I would like to know if there are plans for an alternative any time soon.
Our frontend development team is strongly against using this module, so I would very much like to answer them about foreseeable improvements.
Kind regards,
Jo-Anne Steenbeeke
[email protected]

1 answer

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone October 25, 2023

Hi there,

Our frontend development team is strongly against using this module, so I would very much like to answer them about foreseeable improvements.

The Mobile Detect Module is a requirement for UB MegaMenu.
Currently, we do not have plans to update it.
We will inform you when there are new updates in the pipeline.

Best Regards,


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