Mobile_Detect class missing

Hi, we have installed MegaMenu 1.1.9, but when we create a menu, we get an error in Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Helper/Mega.php line 97 that the Mobile_Detect class referenced inthat line is missing.
I have verified that this class does not exist anywhere in the download or the Magento project. Where is this class supposed to come from?

  1. Hi, we have installed MegaMenu 1.1.9, but when we create a menu, we get an error in Ubertheme/UbMegaMenu/Helper/Mega.php line 97 that the Mobile_Detect class referenced inthat line is missing.I have verified that this class does not exist anywhere in the download or the Magento project. Where is this class supposed to come from?

3 answers

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98150.00 $tone September 1, 2020

Hi there, 
As of UB Mega Menu v1.1.9, there’s an extra installation step -- Installing the PHP Mobile Detect Resource APIs using Composer by requiring the mobiledetect/mobiledetectlibin your project.
Please take a look at the installation guide here. If you already completed that step and the issue still persists, please do let us know here. 
Ubertheme team

Profile photo of mon-key 550.00 $tone November 4, 2020

Hi, we’re not able to install mobile detect via composer, we have to install it manually.
Could you tell us where to place Mobile_Detect.php?
We’ve tried the lib folder, but the module generates an error.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone November 5, 2020

Hi there,

Could you tell us where to place Mobile_Detect.php?

So you can manually download the latest version here and then, you extract it to your M2 root folder. You need to put it under the folder: vendor/mobiledetect/mobiledetectlib/…
PS. For any additional question, please submit a new separate ticket, we will follow up with you then. 


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