Hi there.
I was able to successfully migrate 1000+ products, with a number of different attribute profiles, but I have a problem: When you go to edit the products, the price section/tab does not show up. Here’s some more info:
- If you to to the product attributes section (Stores -> Attribute set), the price section is there
- In the admin grid view of the products, you can see the price and qty, which looks to be correct
- On the front-end, no products are found in the catalog sections, but the layered nav does show up and has numbers next to each item
- Searching for any product brings back no results
- If you browse directly to a product URL, the product shows up but is “out of stock”. Unfortunately, because I cannot get to the prices tab in the admin view I cannot change the stock status.
Do you have any ideas on what the issue could be?
Many thanks.
1 answer
Do you have any ideas on what the issue could be?
To solve that, you can open the Attribute Set migrated by our tool and compare structure of it with the default Attribute Set with named ‘Default’ and then you can add/drag/drop Attribute Groups, Attributes in the migrated Attribute Set to structure like as Default Attribute Set.
Please do it and contact me if you need further assistance!