Problem with Hot Books Tabbed Section

I have changed the Hot Books section to pull from a category that I just created that only has 17 products in it , but my problem is, it will show up and then disappear.

{{block type=”joomlart_jmproductsslider/list” name=”home.jmproductsslider” title=”New Releases” catsid=”101″}}

Could you help me?
Thank you

8 answers

Profile photo of Ziven Staff 100720.00 $tone March 5, 2015

Hi Sir,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site.
Best Regards,

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 10, 2015

Hi  tswec0e5,
I have re-config in Jm ProductsSlider extension in back-end of your site.
I have changed the Config named “# Number Element” => 6.
The issue as you said was solved in your site at
Have a look and let me know how it goes.

Profile photo of Tarina Weese 750.00 $tone March 10, 2015

It seems to be working I just have one more issue left with it and on the left it cuts off the title when the slider is stopped.
How do I fix that?
Thank you!

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 11, 2015

Hi tswec0e5,

I just have one more issue left with it and on the left it cuts off the title when the slider is stopped.

=> I have edited the css code at line 51 in the css file at \skin\frontend\default\jm_book\joomlart\jmproductsslider\css\style.css and the issue was solved.

Also why do the grouped product pages not show the price?  Where can I fix the code to pull the highest price in the grouped page?

=> I have created a backup and edited the Block file at \app\code\local\JoomlArt\JmProductsSlider\Block\List.php and the issue was solved.
Have a look and let’s me know how it goes.


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