Quickview not working

Could you tell me, other than activating quickview in the admin menu, is there something else I need to do to make it work?
It’s set to yes. And I’ve set it to no and back to yes again but quickview doesn’t work for me.

Any ideas?

12 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 3, 2014

Hi c1webdesigns,

To check & resolve your issue, you can PM me ftp credential and URL to access backend of your site and describe the issue you’re facing in more details

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 3, 2014

Hi c1webdesigns,

I has resolved your issue. The Jm Quickview was working fine on http://lovehaircare.club/ now.

The problem seems due to the permission in your server specific and it caused the issue that the base theme can’t load necessary jQuery file. I just changed a bit in file: /app/design/frontend/base/default/template/joomlart/jmbasetheme/jmbasethemehead.html ( I also took a backup of this file so that you can compare easily)

Kindly check with your server/hosting to change the right permission for file/folder on your site, the recommend permission should be: file-644 and folder-755.

Please have a look & let me know if you need more helps.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone September 4, 2014

Hi c1webdesigns,

Please config Chmod to all folders & files on your website with permission as below:

Folders = 755
Files = 644

You need to config correctly all folders & files permission for Owner user of your website.

Let me know, if you need further help

Profile photo of SM Reeve 0.00 $tone September 4, 2014

Thanks so much for that, you are awesome!
I have spoken to the server admin, they seem to think that they have now reset all the server permissions so they should be correct.
Hopefully they are right!

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone October 7, 2014

Did you config all folders & files permission as mentioned in above guide?
If yes, please PM me the FTP credential of your server, i will check further and find solution for you.

Profile photo of Mary Ann Wellington 0.00 $tone October 12, 2014

I have all files and folders setup fine. I see it working on Mac and Safari, but not working on Firefox and Chrome on Ubuntu 14.04 Linux. Also your demo at Uberthemes is not showing any quickview on FF linux.

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone October 13, 2014

I have checked your website, i see Jm Quickview on your website working fine now on Firefox and Chrome browser in both Window OS & Linux OS. You can see this from attached screenshots.

Profile photo of Mary Ann Wellington 0.00 $tone October 13, 2014

Thanks the point is that it only works for layout-wide and wide-extra, not in layout-normal, which is what I normally use. So I thought it was not working. Sorry about that.

Is it there any way to make it to work in normal-layout < 1235px width?


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