Here is an example block:
{{block type="joomlart_jmcategorylist/list" name="home.jmcategorylist.list" title="Popular Wireless Categories" catsid="1320,1321,1322" mode="latest" leading_product="2" intro_product="2"}}
When I add this as a CMS block and assign the block to a category it displays all of the content in one column.
Is there a variable to pass the number of columns to display in the block type tag?
3 answers
I found the perrow setting but it appears that if you run this in a CMS block it only shows one entry per row no matter what settings are entered (even the default ‘3’ doesn’t work)
Hi fortiwall,
If possible, please send me your live url, admin account so that i could have closer look on the issue.
I’m trying this solution too. if possible post here how
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