I’ve installed the theme on http://teamsportskits.com/, everything seems to be working fine except the slideshow.
Scanning through the source, <div class=”jm-slide-main”> tag is showing the images are being picked up from the correct folder.
I have also noticed the visibility for slideshow is set to hidden? could that be the issue? Please advise.
5 answers
Please PM me your site’s URL, admin and FTP credentials, I’ll detect the root of issue for troubleshooting.
You can post right here with the option “Private”.
Best Regards,
Hi A J,
I have checked quickly your site and see the reason of issue as the screenshot: http://prntscr.com/8m2xbm
Did you install full of needed files in your sites?
I can’t connect to server of your site vi FTP credential you provide. Let’s recheck the FTP credential.
Have a look and contact me if you need further assistance!
Hi Mall,
Thanks for getting back to me.
I uploaded the whole theme folder onto the website when I installed the theme.
But as screenshot shows, I must not have the slideshow files in the theme folder.
I have unlocked the FTP for full day now so you should be able to access it without a problem.