We have migrated magento ver. EE to Magento ver. 2.1.0 comunity using UB Data Migration Pro -- 2.0.5. Most info is imported but there are issues which need to be solve.
When go to a existing category/product in admin-panel, and pushing save, we get an error saying there are duplicate url keys.
What we have found that if we un-check the “Main website” for any product(screenshot link:- http://www.awesomescreenshot.com/02d619zn2f), then that product will save.
but when we check “Main website” for the product again(screenshot link:- http://awesomescreenshot.com/0de61lhie1), it is not working. So we think that, this is the problem of store specific. Because there is multiple store setup in magento ver. EE.
Please help to solve the issue.
1 answer
Hi Biswarup Talukder,
At present we tested our UB Data Migration Pro with Magento CE only. As Magento EE database structure has certain difference with Magento CE, we could not confirm on the migration under this circumstance.
I wonder if you migrated from EE to Magento CE 2.1?
Meanwhile, did you purchase this tool under another profile (as I could not keep track of the payment associated with your profile)?
An Nguyen