delta migration, and test before complete

Hi, I bought your extension and worked amazingly well on our site, thanks for your support.
I have 2 questions:

  1. Due to Covic-19, our progress is very slow please how many time we can use the delta migration tool?

I have done the initial migration in Apr, but due to the nature of the work, we may not be able to finish it in the next 2 months, just wondering if we can use the delta migration multiple times until the the new website is complete?
2. I am now installing themes and other extensions to test the new site after the initial migration, please can you answer:
2.1 if this affects the delta migration?
2.2 I found the migrated categories and products not showing up on the website after the new theme is installed, please is this normal? 

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone July 3, 2020

Hi Josh, 
Please find our answers below: 
You can run delta migration multiple times. You can learn more about the Delta migration feature via this article
You can install theme & extension, then run delta migration. However, please note:

  • If in the first migration, you did not enable Keep Original IDs setting (as noted in this article), you can continue the delta migration as normal.
  • If you did enable Keep Original IDs, then you need to delete your testing data, otherwise, it might lead to ID conflict issue.

Regarding this issue: 

2.2 I found the migrated categories and products not showing up on the website after the new theme is installed, please is this normal? 

Please check and make sure you already assign the migrated Root Categories to the Default Store of your Default website. 
We hope that helps. 
Ubertheme team


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