We are getting the below error when running delta migration step 6.
We have several customers without address etc since they are imported through an Amazon connector.
Please advice
Processing in step #6………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Status: fail
Message: Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity:
5 answers
Hi Toby,
That because your database has some records with bad data with new rules of Magento2 in the Customer address data section.
To handle that, you could do followings steps:
Step 1: Download the php file at HERE
Step 2: Upload replace downloaded file to the file at path: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php
Step 3: Once done, you can continue with data migration in the step #6
Hi and thanks for the file.
However I am still getting the same errors.
processing in step #6...............Migrated data in step #6 ok with 6 Customer Groups. Processing in step #6........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Status: fail Message: Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Lastname cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Lastname cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Firstname cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: City cannot be blank.<br/>- Street cannot be blank.<br/>- Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2CustomerAddressEntity: Telephone cannot be blank.<br/>Mage2Cus
By the way, the database does not have bad data, just because address fields are empty. For example if somebody sign up to a newsletter, they are added without an address.
Looking forward to a fix for this!
Hi there,
However I am still getting the same errors….
The root issue because your database has a lot of fields with blank spaces in the some required value fields: firstname, lastname, street,telephone, city….
I have added more tweak code in step #6 of our tool to handle for your cases.
And now you can continue in the step #6: http://i.prntscr.com/ixPcJeTSSf_WF3tJD6lzFA.png
Highly appreciated.
Thank you