Hello Ubertheme,
I used your tool UB Data Migration Pro. I migrated my Magento 1.9 site to Magento 2.2.5 installation.
Upon migration process. I’m stuck at “Step: 6 Migrate Customers”, It throws an error saying “Mage2CustomerEntityDecimal: Value is too long (maximum is 12 characters).”
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
Looking forward to hear your response.
Thank you!
3 answers
Hi there,
Upon migration process. I’m stuck at “Step: 6 Migrate Customers”, It throws an error saying “Mage2CustomerEntityDecimal: Value is too long (maximum is 12 characters).”
That issue because your database has some records which has bad data in value of the ‘value’ field in table ‘customer_entity_decimal’
To handle for that, you could do steps below:
+ Open the PHP file at path: pub/ub-tool/protected/controllers/Step6Controller.php
and find to the code lines:
if ($table == 'customer_entity_text' && empty($model2->value)) {
$model2->value = 'N/A';
and replace it by code lines:
if ($table == 'customer_entity_text' && empty($model2->value)) {
$model2->value = 'N/A';
if ($table == 'customer_entity_decimal' && (strlen(trim($model2->value)) > 12)) {
$model2->value = substr(trim($model2->value), 0, 12);
+ Once done, you could continue with data migration in the step #6 of our migration tool.
Thank you so much Mall!
Hi there,
You are welcome. Let’s contact me if you need further assistance.