I get an error in converting sales

 After a while I get this error in converting sales:
Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank
Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank
Any idea how to fix this.

1 answer

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone December 28, 2016

Hi jukebox-revival,

Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank
Mage2SalesOrderAggregatedCreated: Order Status cannot be blank

That issue come from your Magento1 database has some bad data with new rules of the Magento2.
Value of order_status field is required but it missing in some records in the sales_order_aggregated_created table in your Magento1 database.
To solve that, you can run bellow SQL in your Magento1 database:

Update sales_order_aggregated_created Set order_status = 'closed' Where order_status = '' OR order_status IS NULL

And then, you can continue with data migration in the step #7.


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