Hi Guys
How do I get Hot Books, Best Sellers, and Staff Picks to show up in the Product Tab block?
I have tagged a few products with the “Staff Picks” checkbox. But they do not show up in the products tab for “Staff Picks”.
Also, the “Hot Books” that are currently showing in the Products Tab, do not have the “Hot” category checked. Why are they showing up?
Please help. Thanks.
7 answers
Hi Paul,
Also, the “Hot Books” that are currently showing in the Products Tab, do not have the “Hot” category checked. Why are they showing up?
Since the tab Hot Books and Staff Picks are two special cases, you will need to configure which products you want to show here.
In order to show products under the Hot Books tab, you navigate to Admin -> Catalog -> Products, then select a product > set Is Hot -> Yes
For the products in the Staff Picks tab, you follow the same Admin -> Catalog -> Products and select a product -> Product Details -> Set Product as New From
You can see a sample product I added: REFORMATION HYMNAL (HC) BURGUNDY
Best Regards,
Thanks Ziven.
Can you clarify the three categories that are listed in the Categories for each product.
“Staff picks”
“Hot books”
“Best sellers”
Are these categories needed for UB Bookshop? Or were they part of JM Bookshop?
Please clarify if they are needed.
Hi Paul,
Can you clarify the three categories that are listed in the Categories for each product.
You can use the attibute “category_ids” to show products in the category you want. In this tab, we made use of our UB ContentSlider extension (You can refer to this guide to learn more about this extension):
“Staff picks” -> content_type=”new_products”
“Hot books” -> content_type=”hot_products”
“Best sellers” -> content_type=”latest_products”
Are these categories needed for UB Bookshop? Or were they part of JM Bookshop?
It’s up to you to keep or delete these categories.
Best Regards,
Ok. I still have an issue. I followed your instructions with this product.
Under the product details for this product, I set “Is Hot” to yes, and I set the “New from” date to today, but it is not showing up in either the “Hot Products” tab or on “Staff picks” tab.
I flushed the Magento Cache, but this has made no change.
Please help. Is there something else I need to do?
Hi Paul,
Under the product details for this product, I set “Is Hot” to yes, and I set the “New from” date to today, but it is not showing up in either the “Hot Products” tab or on “Staff picks” tab.
I made additional tweak via Admin -> Content->Blocks->Product Tab, and the products in the Hot Book tab are showing fine now.
Best Regards,
OK. I see you changed the code.
1. Best Sellers. How are these set? Do they display automatically based on the highest number of products sold? The content block for the Products Tab block, for the Best Sellers tab contains:- name=”ub.content.slider.best.sellers”. But then it says:- “content_type=”latest_products”. So does the “Best Sellers” tab display “Best Sellers” or does it display “Latest Products”?
2. Staff Picks. The Products Tab block contains: content_type=”new_products”. So are Staff Picks really “new products? If so, what is the difference between “Latest Products” and “New Products”?
Hi Paul,
1. Best Sellers. How are these set? Do they display automatically based on the highest number of products sold? The content block for the Products Tab block, for the Best Sellers tab contains:- name=”ub.content.slider.best.sellers”. But then it says:- “content_type=”latest_products”. So does the “Best Sellers” tab display “Best Sellers” or does it display “Latest Products”?
It’s pity that UB Content Slider does not support Best Seller product type yet. At present, it supports content_type=”latest_products” though.
Staff Picks. The Products Tab block contains: content_type=”new_products”. So are Staff Picks really “new products? If so, what is the difference between “Latest Products” and “New Products”?
The content_type=”new_products” is to filter products within a date range that you set for those products, while the Latest Products displays the latest products that you’ve just added.
Best Regards,