there is nothing in the data migration window

in the 
UB Data Migration Pro (CE) -- 3.1.8
i just get a white window with just the title on it there are no options to change

1 answer

Profile photo of ubdev Staff 98590.00 $tone March 13, 2019

Hi there, 
Please check your files, folder permission once again. You can open the SSH terminal, go to your M2 folder and run these commands to update the files/folder permission again: 
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +;
Further, if you’re using Nginx, please make sure you follow additional configuration steps as noted in the Readme manual that comes packed with your download package. 
If the issue still persists, please let us know here.
Ubertheme team


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