UB Data Migration Pro – Admin 404 Issue

I was finally able to debug the admin 404 error. For me it was not a “permissions” issue, or server configuration problem, or any of the other stock answers that were given to me by tech support. The problem that I had was that this extension was installed properly, and worked when I did a trial run, but when I went back to re-import I was getting a 404 error in admin. It was so frustrating since tech support just repeated their stock answers. Well, the problem was that I had set “add store code to url” to yes and after that I was getting the 404 error. Setting it back to “no” allowed this extension to work properly.

4 answers

Profile photo of Mall Staff 184060.00 $tone March 31, 2017

Hi there,
Yeah, the issue with url when you added the store code in url was resolved in latest package of v3.0.6 of our tool.
Kindly re-download and update it to your working.

Profile photo of Heather McMahon 50.00 $tone March 31, 2017

By the way, the last download I made was Feb 18 and THAT version was 3.0.6
Shouldn’t this latest package be renamed to reflect the change(s) ? 


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