I did migration magneto 2.3.3 from magento 1.9.4, I have issue, Some of the customer work and some of the customer not working.. I will plan to buy uber pro but If this issue showing on uber free version it may show to uber pro too. Please fix this issue,
This is the site:
a user : [email protected] not work cause it has password has like: $2y$10$PTpXmxtV1U4MrGOCs302..naVdKUgwBlXVNykc504nVfrHn9.TLr6:0
But a user from old version magento did work fine cause it has like: 914f122d6b829b371ca9122b74528a0d3f7d6d5b924bb6bf309d171c850cc446:0o1ICsF2WcIcqIVeT8S2E72ggi9jzSVy:1
I use
php -f bin/magento customer:hash:upgrade
In ErrorHandler.php line 61:
Notice: Undefined index: 0:1 in /home/scylbvxv/public_html/treasure/vendor/
magento/framework/Encryption/Encryptor.php on line 198
Command but it show error.. Please fix it. So I can buy the uber theme. Thanks.
1 answer
Hi Muhbub,
We wonder if you’re using our old script on Github? If that’s the case, we’re afraid that we no longer maintain that script. We also have another UB Data Migration Lite version at Ubertheme, however it is also based on an outdated codebase as well. Both versions above are not compatible with Magento 2.x.
So we highly recommend you consider to move forward with our UB Data Migration Pro module, it will save you pretty much time. Our users have been using that module to complete their data migration projects successfully so far.
Ubertheme team