So You define the megamenu group and you see it’s key and now there should be a static block that i would assign for each store view apart and show what is teh key of the menu. BUT it’s impossible to find the Static block responsible for the menu of Ub Market.
There is static block for Resonator, or kids tehme but there is no static block for Ub Market.. how do you fix it?
5 answers
Hi There,
I am sorry for not getting your points. It would be awesome if you can possibly include URL of your site and a screenshot with detailed explanation. I am happy to help you out.
Best Regards,
i presented 2 screenshots. -- test the template yourself it does NOT work in multilingual purpose, you change the langauge, many things can change but not the menu, it will always remain in english
Hi There,
I need a closer look to detect the root of issue, please PM me url, admin and ftp credentials of your site.
Best Regards,
Hi Alex,
Please go to the file: app\design\frontend\ubertheme\market\layout\page.xml and find the code:
--> From at line 85 -> 90
<block type="core/text_list" name="" as="topMenu" translate="label">
<label>Navigation Bar</label>
<block type="jmmegamenu/jmmegamenu" name="top.jmmegamenu" before="-">
<action method="addData"><data><menu_key>market</menu_key></data></action>
And replace it with this code:
<block type="core/text_list" name="" as="topMenu" translate="label">
<label>Navigation Bar</label>
<block type="page/html_topmenu" name="catalog.topnav" template="page/html/topmenu.phtml"/>
When done please save it and clear the cache.
It should be working fine. If not please tell me i will help you resolve this issue.
Best Regards,