Changelog for (Magento 2) UB One Step Checkout extension (version 1.1.4)
Latest update: May 17, 2022
- Fixed compatible vs Magento open source 2.4.4
- PHP 8.1 support
- Fixed bugs and improved styles, less coding
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.4.2-p1, 2.4.3.
- Improved email validation.
- Improved PHP Functions and incremental bug fixes.
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.4.2
- Improved PHP Functions and incremental bug fixes.
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.4.1
- Fixed: The issue with Delivery Time > Time Picker on Magento 2.4.1
- Fixed: Could not checkout with Downloadable Products on Magento 2.4.1
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.4.0
- Fixed the issue with the new changes from MaxMind > GeoIP
- Automatically saving customer’s address after the first checkout with a registered account
- Fine tuning the style
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.3.4, 2.3.5.
- Fixed the compatibility issue with Amazon payment module core
- Handled the multi language translation of the label of street fields
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.3.2, 2.3.3
- Testing for compatible with UB Base extension ver.1.0.0 and later
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.3.1
- Fixed the issue when removing an old address and checking with the new address (getting an address from previously placed orders of (customers) billing and shipping address). More details about this scenario: by default the checkbox “same as shipping” is unchecked (make sure that you don’t check the checkbox); select the address (whatever billing address by default in the address book) that displays in the shipping address (Don’t select default shipping address) and default billing address (don’t change the billing address) in the drop-down. In this scenario, one of our users did get popup error.
- Improved: update the codebase to be fully compatible with our new UB Base extension that manages all Ubertheme’s extensions under one backend UI dashboard.
- Testing for compatibility with Magento 2.2.7 and Magento 2.3.0
- Fixed: Style issue of the Shipping fields (The Fax field was pushed down far below the City field)
- Fixed: State/Province value in the Customer address was not saved
- Fixed: Shipping address was not saved when the billing address has the region_id
- Compatibility testing with Magento 2.2.6
- Minor incremental bug fixes and layout improvmenets
- Allow to change product variations of the configurable products in the mini cart at the checkout page.
- Allow to limit the maximum characters of the Order note.
- Fixed bugs and improve layout and styles, and code convention.
- Add: Support gift message per order and quote item
- Add: Support gift wrap service with a specific fee amount.
- Fine-tuning: improve layout, styles and coding convention
1.0.2 Stable
- Compatibility testing with Magento 2.2.5
- Add: Support Delivery date and time functionality
- Add: Support to show Delivery Date & Time in the Sales Order email template (needs additional configuration)
- Add: Allow to fill in house security code on delivery (optional)
- Improve: Allow to enable Delivery / Order note in either Delivery Time or Order Overview blocks
- Fixed: fix bugs and improvement styles and coding convention
- Added: Support GeoIP that allows to detect customer address automatically based on the IP address.
- Improved: Restructure Advanced Settings section on the backend for better UI/UX
- Fixed: Bugs and improve styles
- Initial release