Since the launch of UB Instant Layered Navigation last November, we have continued to improve the extension on the feedback coming from the early adopters. Today, we’re very happy to release an important update of this extension which lets you set up Shop By Brand (Manufacturer) functionality with ease. It fully supports multi-website, multi-store configuration. If you’re using our UB Instant Layered Navigation we’d love for you to try it out and share your feedback.
Let’s take an inside look at this new feature:
A visually exciting brands page, with A-Z filter
You must be wondering, why Shop By Brand?
The list of brands is an essential element of Magento store navigation but sometimes the number of brands can be dozens or hundreds. A list of checkboxes would be way too long to handle that, but a dedicated brand listing page is just the right size. Shop By Brand is a way to address this need in a convenient but highly user friendly way.
Shop By Brand -- a great way to showcase collections
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