Free Magento 2 Data Migration Tool – Improved version

Aug 6, 2020 Update
UB Data Migration Pro v3.2.4 here. Fully compatible with Magento 2.4.0.
Sept 20, 2018 Update:
Check out the latest UB Data Migration Pro v3.1.6, with the biggest upgrade in Dashboard UI. Fully compatible with Magento 2.2.6.

As you know, we are developing a tool for data migration from Magento 1.x to Magento 2. We mentioned in detail about it in our earlier blog post. We have improved it a lot this time and it is more user-friendly now. This tool is under active development and we will keep working on it. Let me tell you about the phase 2 of this project and changes done in tool’s configuration.

Magento 2 data migration in done in two stages

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

This upcoming Magento 2 migration tool will help to transfer your database from older versions to the latest Magento 2 in some simple steps. Our aim is to make it the most handy as possible.

Here are what the tool will help to migrate : Version 0.1.11

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

Changes in tables.

+ Change for Magento 1.9.x

# Change for Customers

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Change for Sales

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Change for Catalog Rules

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

+ Change for Magento 1.6.x

# Change for Customers

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Change for Sales

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Change for Catalog Rules

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

To use this migration tool, follow the steps below.

Install Magento 2

Download the latest version of Magento2 from Github + Follow our Installation guide to Install Magento 2

# Configure the tool

1 -- Make a folder named “migrate_data_tool” in your web root. For example: PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

+ Download the latest version of this tool at Magento 2 Data Migration Tool
+ Extract all source code from downloaded file to the folder you have just created (migrate_data_tool)
+ Make writeable permission for folders at:

>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\assets
>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\protected\runtime

+ Make writeable permission for config file at:

>>> PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\migrate-data-tool\protected\config\config.php

# Step 1: Database Configure

Open your browser and type in the url to run this tool. For example: go to //localhost/migrate-data-tool/ and press Enter key.

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

  • Version: to select version of Magento
  • Database Server Host: identify the database server host name
  • Database Server UserName: indentify the username of database server
  • Database Server Password: identify the password of database server
  • Table Prefix: identify the table prefix

# Step 2: Migrate Websites, Stores

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 3: Migrate Attributes

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 4: Migrate Categories

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 5: Migrate Products

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 6: Migrate Customers

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 7: Migrate Sales Data

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 7: Migrate Reviews and Ratings Data

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

# Step 8: Migrate Other Data

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

4 Complete the tasks below to finish the data migration process.

Re-save all the Attribute Sets (Product Template) migrated in the back-end of your Magento 2 website. (Open the attribute set, edit it if needed and click the save button) Open the command line window and go to the folder: PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\dev\shell\ and type in the command line: php indexer.php reindexall then press enter key to re-index all data in your Magento 2 website.

Magento 2 Migration Data Tool

5 Copy media files to complete migration:

+ Copy the folder at PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento1_folder\media\catalog and paste replace to PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\pub\media\

+ Copy the folder at PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento1_folder\media\downloadable and paste replace to PATH_TO_YOUR_WEB_ROOT_FOLDER\your_magento2_folder\pub\media\

6 Now you can test the data which have been migrated into your Magento 2 website from the browser.

Download Magento 2 Migration Tool Crafts: Free Magento 2 Theme

More about Magento 2 :

Written By

Magento Team Leader

  • ian

    I am using 1.4.2 how will I migrate to magento 2

    • Quynh Vu Van

      Hi ian,
      The migrate tool only support for Magento 1.6.x or later.
      In your case, you can make upgrade your Magento core from 1.4.2 to Magento 1.6.x or later
      and then you can use this tool to migrate data from Magento 1 to Magento 2.

      Quynh Vu Van

    • We have improved it a lot this time and it is more user-friendly now. This tool is under active development and we will keep working on it. Let me tell you about the phase 2 of this project and changes done in tool’s configuration.

  • Sampathi Ramakrishna


    i am using magento1.9 and start migrate to magento2 but it gives an error at second step
    “Migrate Websites, Stores” like below image.please give the solution for this error.
    Ram Sampathi

    • Quynh Vu Van

      Hi Sampathi Ramakrishna,

      That because there isn’t table named ‘store_website’ in the database of Magento2.

      Did you make correct needed configs in step1?

      You should follow full steps to use this tool at


  • Hi,

    I am trying to migrate magento 1.9.3 to magento 2.0.7, I receive the attached error in second step, requesting to assist ASAP.

  • Excellent, thanks for sharing!

  • Sweety


    Can you please provide demo for magento 1.9.x data mogration to magento 2.1.7?

    • Hi @Sweety,

      This tutorial video is for our latest UB Data Migration Pro version 3: It walks you through the whole migration process, including delta migration steps.

      PS. Please take a look at some case studies using our migration tool that we shared to you via email.

      Ubertheme team

  • dalwinder


    I am facing an issue while migrating products check screenshot Please if any body have the suggestion that will be very helpful.
    the categories and attributes are imported but the issue always comes in importing products.
    I have made all the products, attributes, category tables and try again but nothing happens same error occurs every time.

    • Hi @dalwinder,

      Thanks for giving our migration tool a try.

      It seems you used our old script on Github. If that’s the case, it’s pity that we no longer maintain such version, and replace it with a newer Pro version here:

      We highly encourage you to consider our Pro version. It will definitely save you pretty much time as it comes with entirely new codebase, enhanced features and various bug fixes.


      Ubertheme team

  • Gaurav

    Before migrate the Sales Credit Memo, you have to migrate the Sales Orders first.
    in step 7

    • Thank @disqus_HifAQgN5Xa:disqus for stopping by.

      Due to our limited resources, it’s pity that we no longer maintain the outdate script at Github:

      We replaced it with a newer Pro version here. Please take a look at the Pro version, it will definitely save you pretty much time.

      Ubertheme team

  • Kumar how to check this website use Magento or some other platform?